7 Gliding Past. A Wiltshire Barn Owl on the Hunt |
8 At Dust. A Wiltshire Barn Owl looking for the last meal of the day |
9 Vole Patrol. A Wiltshire Barn Owl scouting for it's next meal |
10 Barn Owl at Dusk. On the hunt for supper |
11 Soaring Low. A Barn owl on the look out for it's next meal |
12 Gliding Home. A Barn Owl making the most of the last light of the day. |
13 Turning for Home. A Barn Owl scouting for prey. |
14 On the Wall. An Urban Fox |
15 Spotted by an Urban Fox out for a late night meal |
16 An Urban Fox watches silently as a cat strolls passed |
17 Time for Bed. |
18 A young badger Hides in the Bushes whilst it's parents hunt for supper |
19 Sniffing out the Worms |
20 A pair of wild Badgers hunting for Worms. |
21 Fish Super. Common Kingfisher |
22 Red Squirel |
23 Field Mouse stare |
24 Buzzard head on |